Don’t Set It and Forget It! (4/6/23)

As leaders, we spend a lot of time and energy inviting others to join us at “the table” through recruiting and hiring new staff, bringing in new nonprofit board members, and/or finding new committee members to contribute to our systems work. However, without putting intentional thought into what we will do with these new individuals and “setting the table”, we could lose them before they become actively involved and engaged. Strategically designing and implementing orientation and onboarding processes can impact the longevity, enthusiasm, and sustainability of new leaders in an organization. Effective orientation encourages confidence and contributes to more productive involvement by providing key tools and organizational culture right from the start. Onboarding enhances this process providing more individualized, ongoing support setting he/she/they up for success. This session explores strategies and tips to help ensure that all the hard work put into finding the “right” individual pays off, and those who are coming into the fold are equipped to harness the enthusiasm that brought them to the organization in the first place!

Presenters: Janet DesGeorges and Terri Patterson

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