Communication Considerations A to Z™


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What is Usher Syndrome?

Usher syndrome is the most common genetic condition that affects both hearing and vision. In the United States, about four babies in 100,000 are born with it. The National Institutes of Health, which conducts and sponsors research on Usher syndrome, has produced resources for families that are available on line.

Where can I learn more about Usher Syndrome?

The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) has teamed with the National Eye Institute, both components of NIH, to create a new Web site devoted to Usher syndrome at The design of the site is simple and uses large type to ease readability for people with low vision. The new Web site offers basic facts about Usher syndrome, resources for patients and families, information on clinical studies, and resources for scientists.

NIDCD also has updated its fact sheet on Usher syndrome. The new version is available online at or in print. To request print copies, contact the NIDCD Information Clearinghouse by calling (800) 241-1044 or sending an e-mail to




* Communication Considerations A to Z™ is a series from Hands & Voices that's designed to help families and the professionals working with them access information and further resources to assist them in raising and educating children who are deaf or hard of hearing.  We've recruited some of the best in the business to share their insights on the many diverse considerations that play into communication modes & methods, and so many other variables that are part of informed decision making.  We hope you find the time to read them all!

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